Senior School Sections
Grades 10 to 12

The aim of the senior school is to embody and facilitate the mission and vision of LWIS-CiS, which is to motivate and mold our youth into responsible and respectable lifelong learners equipped to face the technological developments of the 21st Century. This section is also designed to provide and facilitate opportunities for learners of grades 10, 11, and 12 (Lebanese, IBDP and American programs) to develop the talents that they are aware of and to also become well aware of yet undiscovered talents.
If you were to take a walk around the block, you would see a beehive of active boys and girls enthusiastically occupied in and out of the classrooms in various tasks; while some may be experimenting in labs, others would be outdoors, in the courtyard verifying that the projects they have built and worked on are successful. Other students would be in the classrooms using their devices, doing web quests, might see students in the art room adding finishing touches to their art pieces. You might luckily catch a sneak peek of parts of the Founder’s Day Musical being filmed for the annual end –of- year production. You could even catch a glimpse of student and teacher volunteers, properly equipped with gloves etc…, collecting bottle caps and other recyclable materials, or collecting donations for some community service project assigned to help the needy in our society.
Since we at LWIS-CiS believe that every child is a cornerstone of our society, we pride ourselves in the knowledge that we cater to all our learners through our multi-level system from basic to advanced levels in all major subjects. Because the school is committed to an international education and in order to allow our learners maximum versatility in their future lives, the school also provides courses such as statistics, history, phycology, sociology, marketing, business, drama, arts, fashion making, video production, photography, robotics and many others.
Our holistic approach enables our learners to develop their interests and skills as good communicators, analytical thinkers, risk takers, and carers, and also helps them understand more about themselves and the potential they may have; thus, enabling them develop their minds socially and emotionally in order to empower them for their own learning and world out there.