Orientation & Career Counseling

Our school’s vision is to cater to all learners within our diverse curriculum that has multi-level standards and a wide variety of choices. Thus, we are keen on giving each and every student individual advice and guidance about his/her career and university choice. 

The Career Counselor welcomes students all day during school days and is also ready to receive phone calls from students and parents after school in order to respond to their inquiries. Student inquiries are mainly about registering for SAT; choosing their career path based on their personality and academic level; knowing more about the following issues: the universities in Lebanon and abroad, the majors offered at these universities, admission requirements, application procedure, and the needed pre-requisite courses to be taken at school based on the major they want to pursue at University.

We guide our students through the following:

1. Advising/Orientation sessions conducted by the School Principal and the Career Counselor:

  • Almost weekly, the School Principal assembles high school students to talk about academic and non-academic issues such as: effective study habits (time management, setting a schedule to study, studying daily, etc…), the importance of working in groups, cooperating with each other and respecting one another, the importance of SAT and school grades for university acceptance, and university life.
  • The career counselor runs individual advising sessions for students who are uncertain about the career they want to pursue, or those who are uncertain about the pre-requisite courses that they need to take at school in order to ensure a smooth transition to their major at University. Ensuring that the right advice is given to students, the career counselor always refers to the University catalog: Freshman requirements, Major requirements, and course descriptions.
  • An orientation session is conducted yearly by the career counselor during the month of May to students in Grades 9, 10, and 11. The purpose of this session is to explain the difference in the multi leveled subjects offered and to clarify to students which subjects/levels are prerequisites for the major they intend to pursue at university.

2. SAT Preparation and Registration:

At LWIS-CiS, we start preparing students for their SAT starting grade 10. We help students with setting up their College board account in order to register for the SAT. We also register students with learning disabilities for ‘SAT Accommodation’ that is administered on school premises. We enlighten grade 12 students about the importance of the SAT Subject Test (SAT II).

  • The SAT exam has been redesigned. This link shows the difference in specifications between the old SAT and the redesigned SAT: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/inside-the-test/compare-old-new-specifications
  • At school, all students in Grade 10 and grade 11 take an SAT course as an essential subject in their curriculum.
  • The career counselor at school guides students to register for the SAT exam by creating a Collegeboard account through this direct link: https://account.collegeboard.org/iamweb/smartRegister?appId=115&DURL=https%3A%2F%2Fnsat.collegeboard.org%2Fsatweb%2Flogin.jsp
  • Our school registers students with learning disabilities for SAT accommodation that provides the following accommodations at school premises: https://www.collegeboard.org/students-with-disabilities/typical-accommodations
  • Senior students in the American Program are strongly advised to sit for the SAT Subject Tests at the end of their senior year in order to work on getting the equivalence of the Lebanese Baccalaureate from the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education gives a student who had followed the American Program at school the equivalence of the Lebanese Baccalaureate by obtaining the following:

  • A total score of 2150 in the student’s SAT I and SAT II exams for those pursuing a Bachelor of Arts PLUS successful completion of his/her 30 Freshman credits at University.
  • A total score of 2300 in the student’s SAT I and SAT II exams for those pursuing a Bachelor of Sciences PLUS successful completion of his/her 30 Freshman credits at University.
  • This year, we will be administering the Preliminary SAT for grades 8, 9, and 10. The PSAT mainly helps students in preparing for their SAT’s. More information on the PSAT can be found on this link: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/inside-the-test

3. Local University applications:

At LWIS-CiS, we help students with their applications to Universities in Lebanon and we follow up on their acceptances. LWIS-CiS has established solid connections with admission officers at AUB, LAU, BAU, HAIGAZIAN, NDU, SAGESSE University, in order to ensure a smooth application process for our students and prompt/reliable responses to student inquiries.

We are always keen on staying up to date with the new majors that are being offered in the local Universities in order to cater for all our student’s needs.

In the month of October, the career counselor sends to the senior students by email a sample of a filled in application form for some Universities in order to facilitate the application procedure for students and parents. Students are advised in October to start preparing the needed documents. There is continuous follow-up on University applications making sure that applications are submitted to Universities with all the required documents before the application deadline.

4. Applications for Universities Abroad:

LWIS-CiShas established contacts with educational providers (such as Global Study UK, Studypedia, Educom Overseas, and Global Connections) that represent a broad portfolio of top ranked universities in the US, UK, other parts of Europe, Canada and Australia. Through these providers, students have an easier access to Universities abroad. Moreover, students can also apply to International summer programs through these educational providers.

– Our students are always informed about the different and multiple International University fairs that take place throughout the year in order to learn more about the Universities participating in the fair, the different majors they offer, the admission requirements, etc…To read more about the different education providers, kindly visit their websites:

– Our school also held several International University fairs on its school premises.

– Students are advised about the appropriate English placement exam that they need to sit for when applying abroad:



  • Students applying to any non-European country can sit for the TOEFL exam at www.toefl.org
  • Students who are applying to Universities online, not through an education provider, receive assistance from the Career counselor in order to fill in the application form and prepare the required documents. Our students have applied to the following:
    • Ivy League Universities
    • Other Universities in the U.S. through the ‘Common Application’ (www.commonapp.org)
    • Canadian Universities

5. Waznat, Career Guidance:

LWIS-CiS has established partnership with Waznat, a Career Guidance company (www.waznat.com).

Waznat helps high-school students decide on which university they want to attend, and what major fits best with their capacities and potential. Although career information has become widespread in online resources, it remains inadequate without quality career guidance. Waznat offers school-based career guidance through this department to high-school students. The program focuses on high school students. The goal of the program is to equip students to attain a certain knowledge base whereby they can make well-informed decisions when it comes to choosing their future profession, academic major, and university.

Our senior students sit for a personality test after which a 20 minutes one to one interview is conducted for every student to help him/her choose the right career based on his personality and academic level. Waznat also gives our Grade 10 and grade 11 students several career counseling sessions throughout the year.

Kindly find attached the program that was conducted by Waznat at LWIS-CiS this year. link to attachment

6. Internships:

At LWIS-CiS, we encourage and help students to do training in order to make a better decision when it comes to choosing his/her career.