Integration & Support

Manal Kouatly
Head of Department & Coordinator

The Integration and Support Department is founded on the belief that every student has the right to a fulfilling and meaningful educational program. The department provides a broad spectrum of support tailored to the individual’s needs, and it covers all grades starting from kindergarten up to high school. An Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is developed annually to grant an appropriate education that is planned to maximize the potential of each student in the least restrictive environment. 

In addition to multidisciplinary academic courses, learners are engaged with courses related to music, art, home economics, life skills and prevocational skills to capitalize their strengths, work around their weaknesses, and develop their self-worth in an environment where they are valued and respected. Learners are entitled to many services that facilitate this multi-level process of learning, such as counseling, speech therapy and occupational therapy. Our ultimate goal is to equip our learners with both academic and non-academic skills so they could develop holistically and become constructive and efficient members of society.

Types of support available to learners in each division of the school:


  • Integration with a shadow teacher in the class
  • IEP(s) Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counseling


  • Integration with a support teacher in the class
  • Support in English
  • Support in Math and Science for ESL learners
  • Self contained classes
  • One-on-one setting (when needed)
  • IEP(s)
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counseling

Middle and Senior Schools

  • Multi level system
  • Support in Math and English in the low level
  • Self-contained classes
  • One-on-one setting (when needed)
  • IEP(s)
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counseling

Integration & Support Department Activities